Kirin said:
You really want a gift card to Applebee’s
And a card shredder.
Kirin said:
You really want a gift card to Applebee’s
And a card shredder.
I talked this over with the person I’m dating, and we decided to get each other small gifts and take a salsa class together.
Within some budget, I always try to get something meaningful for her or us. It could be something related to our experiences or places we have been. It’s not always easy, but I do my best!
I’ve (60f) been dating my guy for about a month. He already has my Christmas gift .
I’m shopping already! I told him what I hope to get for him, but he insisted he doesn’t expect a gift. Still, I like him enough to want to give him something.
I once gave a lady a toilet plunger for her birthday, so I’m not sure how I can top that for Christmas
Choosing the right gift for others, or even for myself, drives me crazy. Will they really like what I picked, or will they pretend? Did they expect something better or more expensive?
It might seem unromantic, but I prefer giving cash. Especially to kids, as they can spend it however they want.
For my significant other, their presence is enough for me. If they want something, I hope they tell me directly.